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A Guide To Moving Office in Doncaster

The first thing you need to do when you are moving office is to choose a new location. Ensure you have plenty of time to find the right office that is going to suit all of yours and your business needs, it is also important to set a deadline or the search could go on for a while! While you are doing this there are a few things you need to be asking yourself:

  • Is the new office space your looking at big enough for you and your current employees and does it have enough room for further expansion in the future?
  • What security measures are in place and what’s the area like where the office is located as this can all effect your insurance premiums.
  • Check what transport links are like, are the close enough to the office for employees to get there easily? Also, what parking is available for staff and customers?
  • Check the relevant facilities are available, plug sockets, male and female toilets, use of a kitchen, heating, air con etc.

Whatever the priorities are for your new office you need to ensure that you negotiate the terms of your lease to suit them and the best way to do this usually involves seeking legal advice. A flexible lease is ideal if you’re a start-up business however if you want a non-flexible lease then this will almost certainly take longer to negotiate.

Plan Your Project
There can never be too much planning, if there is a plan in place for every possible outcome then there is going to be no nasty surprises and the office move will go a lot smoother. Planning not only helps the move go smoothly it also helps save time and in the world of business time is money!

Make an Office Move Checklist
6 Weeks Until Office Move:

  • Measure your new office space so you know what you have to work with in terms of design, furniture and layout.

4 Weeks Until Office Move:

  • Arrange a security survey if it is not included in the management of your new office.
  • Ask furniture suppliers for design and space saving tips.
  • If you are ordering new furniture for your new office, ensure it will arrive a week before the move.
  •  Get Quotes from removals companies.
  • Get phone lines connected and any IT support you may need in place.

Three Weeks To Office Move:

  • Ensure any existing suppliers such as utilities, deliveries and other such things are either cancel or transferred ready for your moving date.
  • Order all new stationary with the new business address and inform anyone that needs to know of the office move and new address.

Two Weeks To Office Move:

  • Arranger for phone lines and broadband are put in while the office is still empty.
  • If you cannot transfer your existing numbers, get a call forwarding service set up.
  • Get mail redirected to the new office address until all address change notifications have been made.
  • Ensure kitchen and bathroom facilities are all in good working order.
  • If there are any delays between your moving out and moving in date arrange for storage of equipment, desks and other office furniture and supplies.

One Week To Office Move:

  • Get packing supplies such as boxes and tape, some removals companies like us here at MooveIt Removals can supply such packing materials, we also offer a packing service to allow you and your staff to carry on working as long as possible.
  • Any large furniture in storage should be set up so it can be used straight away.
  • Make sure all furniture deliveries have arrived and arrange for your movers to get it all set up.
  • Get cleaners in to clean the office before you leave so it is left in good condition for your landlord.

Office Moving Day:

  • This can be an incredibly stressful and sometimes nerve-racking day however if you follow the advice in this guide then everything should run smoothly. And you can just take a step back and leave it in the hands of your removals company.

By using the services of MooveIt Removals for an office move there will be no stress, we provide packing supplies and a packing service, we will set up and build furniture at the new office as well as safely moving all supplies and equipment from the old office.
If your moving office and need a reliable removals service contact MooveIt Removals today – 01302 891295

Packing Tips For Moving Home

Before You Start Packing
Its best not to leave packing to the day before you move. You should take time to consider what will need packing carefully and what you don’t need to take with you. It is also a good idea to check your insurance policy to see if you are covered for any breakages. The you can start getting the ball rolling with regards to packing.

  • Make a list of priority items to be packed.
  • Have a good clear out whilst you are packing so you don’t end up taking junk with you. You could make a box up to take to a charity shop or car boot sale for all your unwanted items.
  • Try and estimate how many boxes you are going to need and buy them in advance. There are other things to consider like the size of the boxes you get and other essentials such as tape, bubble wrap, sealable bags for any loose nuts and bolts from dismantled furniture. You should also consider saving old newspaper for lining boxes and protecting fragile items.
  • Don’t overfill large boxes as they will be too heavy to lift!
  • Use sturdy boxes, particularly for heavier items, corrugated card boxes tend to be stronger.
  • Check your contents insurance covers any accidental breakages during the move.
  • Keep cleaning products and other hazardous materials such as bleach, aerosols and paint in a separate box away from your other belongings.

Plan Ahead
In most cases, unless you don’t move much with you, you wont be able to unpack everything in the same day so it is worth planning what you will need easy access to when you move into your new home.

  • Label a box essentials and put everything in it you think will be a priority during your move, things such as a kettle, tea, coffee, snacks, cups and other cutlery will all come in handy while you are unpacking.
  • Have an overnight bag prepared for yourself and anyone else that will be staying in the property, include a change of clothes, toilet paper and any toiletries you may need.
  • Other items you should keep to one side as a priority include, first aid kits and any essential medicines for family members, a torch, paper and pens, and a small tool kit.
  • Tyr and get all laundry done in advance to moving so you can avoid packing damp or wet clothes, any dirty clothes should be packed separately so you know they need washing.
  • Any boxes containing items you won’t need straight away should be loaded on the van first.

Pack Sensibly
Take time to consider how you will pack your items, things such as books are easy to pack but they are heavy so you might want to limit how many you pack per box, valuables will need to be carefully wrapped so this may take some time, and some furniture will need to be dismantled.

  • You should start early, packing always takes longer than you expect, especially when you find items that bring back pleasant memories and star reminiscing or realise a large item needs dismantling to fit through a door!
  • Its always best to start at the top of the house and work your way to downstairs. If you have a loft, then this is always the best place to start.
  • Pack heavier items in smaller boxes so it is easier to transport them. Try and keep the weight of the boxes to a minimum to avoid back injuries.
  •  Pack room by room and label each box clearly and specify which room it is from, also any boxes that contain fragile items should be labelled accordingly.
  • Keep boxes from each room together so they can be unpacked together and save you some time.
  • Pack heavier items at the bottom of the box and lighter items on top.
  • Wrap breakables individually in bubble wrap and pack in boxes that have been lined with newspaper.
  • Any important documents should be kept together such as passports, birth certificates and other similar documents.

If you are moving house and need removals company in Doncaster, help with packing or packing materials or storage solutions then contact MooveIt Removals today – 01302 891295

Helping kids settle at a new address

Moving can be hard on kids. Help them to come to terms with the move and to feel excited about it. Talk to them to ensure they understand the reasons for the move. Ask them about their concerns and provide reassurance.

Tell the kids about the advantages of the new move. Maybe there is a bigger yard or a pool, park or playground nearby. Find out if there are other kids of a similar age near your new home who can be future friends. Are their sports teams or clubs your children can join. Create a vision of a new happy life for your children at the new location.
Encourage your kids to think about their new rooms. This a fresh start for them too. They can plan their new rooms. Ask them for their input into the paint and wall paper choices for these rooms. You can do a great deal to personalise a child’s room without spending too much.

3 steps to move house without stress

Tip 1: Get an early start to planning

There is nothing more stressful than trying to plan a move on moving day. Make your preparations as early as you can. We would recommend you start planning at least 4 weeks before moving day. An early start will give you time to fully consider the move, ensuring you will feel confident on moving day.

Tip 2: Give away unwanted items

Don’t spend time and money moving items unwanted items. Consider donating or giving away any items you don’t want or no longer need. In the weeks before your move declutter your home, it will make the moving process so much easier.

Tip 3: Start Packing as Soon as Possible

Start packing as soon as possible. Gather your packing materials and pack items that are not in for daily use such as books, picture frames, and ornaments. On moving day you will have much less work to do and you will have plenty of time to think about how each item is packed.

Bonus Tip
​Hire Wemooveit. We provide efficient, professional and affordable house removal services.

5 time saving tips for moving house

Moving house and all the work involved in packing can be stressful and time consuming. We can help. With our 5 top tips, you can save time and reduce the stress involved in moving house.
Being well organised is the key to our efficiency. At Wemooveit, we take time to consider our preparations. We are well organised for every house removals project. You can be well organised too.
Tip 1 : Look after the little things.
Use small bags and containers to save all the small bolts, screws and other parts from dismantled furniture. If you can store this container in or attached to the furniture it came from.
Tip 2: Secure your cabinet doors and drawers
Use cellophane wrap (cling film). Wrap it around your furniture a few times. This will keep the doors from flying opening and drawers and interior shelves from falling out. If you wrap the entire piece of furniture, it will be better protected against scuffs and scrapes.
Packing Hack #1 Colour-coding or Post-it note descriptions:
It sounds pretty simple, but colour coding and post-it notes can go a long way in terms of organisation.
Grab some different coloured stickers or even different coloured permanent markers, and then colour-code your cartons by room.
For example, blue for all of your kitchen cartons and red for the bathrooms.
Don’t forget to make yourself a colour-coded sheet for reference.
It will make it easier to pack and to unpack.
If you only have plain coloured post-it notes handy, you can still easily reference what is inside the box by labelling them with rooms of the house.
Tip 3: reinforce your packing boxes
Your items may be heavier than you think and standard packing boxes often inadequate. Using packing tape, reinforce your packing boxes. Remember to fill any gaps in packing boxes with scrunched up paper, this will prevent your items from being damaged as they move around.
Tip 4: take photos before disconnecting electronics
Reconnecting the cables to your tv, tv boxes and audio systems, etc is rarely straight forward. Take photos and use colour coding to enable you to quickly reconnect these items in their new locations
Tip 5: Bonus tip
Hiring a Doncaster removals to help you move house is a great idea. We can take away the stress and hassle for you and we are very affordable.